Everything About Butt Aesthetics (Brazilian Butt Surgery)


Everything About
Butt Aesthetics
(Brazilian Butt Surgery)

What is Butt Lift (BBL)?

Buttock aesthetics, commonly known as Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), is a surgical procedure that aims to make the butt area fuller, shaped and aesthetically attractive. In this procedure, excess fat tissue, usually taken from other parts of the body (such as the abdomen, waist, back), is processed with special techniques and injected into the butt area. Thus, a natural-looking buttock shape that is compatible with the general contours of the body is achieved. BBL is a frequently preferred operation both to reshape body contours and to increase self-confidence. It has become an attractive aesthetic solution for many people because it offers natural results and at the same time reduces excess fat in other parts of the body.

What are Butt Aesthetic Methods?

Buttock aesthetics are performed in various ways and there are different types depending on the needs of the person. There are three main types of butt aesthetics:

  • Butt Augmentation: This method aims to make the butt area fuller and more prominent. Fat tissue from other parts of the body is injected into the buttocks, usually using the BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) technique. Alternatively, silicone implants can also be used.
  • Buttock Reduction: This procedure aims to achieve a smaller and aesthetic appearance by reducing the amount of excess fat and tissue in the buttocks. Liposuction is a commonly used technique in this procedure.
  • Buttock Tightening/Lift: It is a method applied to recover the skin that has loosened or sagged over time and to give it a firmer appearance. It is performed by surgically removing excess skin and tissues and stretching the remaining skin. This procedure is especially preferred after major weight loss.

Each of these methods is selected and applied in accordance with the body structure and aesthetic expectations of the person.

What is Butt Augmentation?

In this butt procedure, fat is removed from the areas to be shaped, usually by liposuction. This fat is purified through a special process and injected into the butt area. Liposuction is usually performed by removing fat from the waist, thighs and abdomen; this fat is directed to be used in the targeted area. If the amount of fat removed is not sufficient for the desired augmentation, an additional procedure may be required and more fat can usually be removed in the second or third sessions.

If the person does not have enough fat naturally, silicone fillers can be used. Silicone implants add a significant volume to the buttock area and provide an aesthetic appearance. This method offers an ideal alternative, especially for people with insufficient adipose tissue.

The buttock augmentation procedure is popularly known as the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) and can be performed using both fat injection and silicone implants. These procedures are personalized according to the individual's aesthetic goals and body structure, thus achieving the most natural and satisfying results.

How to Enlarge Buttocks?

Buttock augmentation is an aesthetic intervention performed to add volume to the butt area and achieve a fuller appearance. This procedure is usually performed with two main methods: fat injection (BBL - Brazilian Butt Lift) and silicone implants.

Fat Injection (BBL): This method is performed by purifying the fat tissue taken from certain parts of the body (such as the abdomen, waist, back) by liposuction method through special processes and then injecting it into the butt area. This procedure offers the advantage of shaping body contours and reducing excess fat. The injected fat tissue provides a natural plumping of the buttocks and a result compatible with the body is obtained.

Silicone Implants: This method is performed through silicone implants placed in the buttock area. The surgeon places silicone implants of the appropriate size and shape under or above the buttock muscles. The implants add a significant volume to the buttocks and provide the desired shape. Silicone implants are an ideal option for people who are not suitable for fat injection or who want more volume.

Both methods are selected and applied according to the needs and aesthetic goals of the person. Before the application, a detailed evaluation and planning with the surgeon is of great importance in achieving the desired result.

Who is Hip (Buttock) Augmentation Surgery Suitable for?

Both men and women who are uncomfortable with the flattened, narrow or sagging appearance of their buttocks, who want to have a younger, stronger and more beautiful body shape and who feel uncomfortable in this regard can have a butt augmentation operation.

However, as in every aesthetic procedure, it is important that the body development is completed for buttock augmentation, that is, that the person is over the age of 18.

There is no upper age limit for the operation. Anyone who wants a bigger butt and whose medical condition allows surgery is a good candidate for butt augmentation aesthetics.

What is Butt Reduction?

Buttock reduction is an aesthetic procedure applied to reduce excess fat that distorts body proportions. This procedure is usually performed using the vaser liposuction technique. Vaser liposuction allows selective removal of excess fat by targeting adipose tissue, resulting in a slimmer and more proportionate appearance in the buttock area. The procedure can usually be performed on the buttocks as well as other areas, but the main focus is on the buttocks. Aesthetic buttock reduction is usually performed under general anesthesia and the amount of fat removed varies depending on the patient's weight and body structure. As a result, the patient gets rid of the disproportionate appearance of her body and has a more youthful, shaped and aesthetic body contours.

Buttock Reduction

How Long Does the Recovery Period Take After Butt Reduction Surgery?

The recovery process after buttock reduction surgery usually requires careful care and adherence to certain rules. After the procedure, the patient is usually under observation in the clinic for one day. During the first month, it is important to regularly wear the corset recommended by the doctor, which supports the healing process and reduces swelling in the area. During the first two weeks after surgery, the patient should protect this part of the body from shocks and vibrations, avoid strenuous movements and heavy sports. Mild swelling and bruising may occur during this period; this usually subsides within two weeks, depending on the patient's skin structure and sensitivity. It is very important to follow all post-operative instructions of the doctor to ensure a smooth recovery.

Who Can Have Butt Reduction Surgery?

Anyone who is not satisfied with the saggy, wide, disproportionate or asymmetrical appearance of their buttocks, who cannot get rid of the fat in this area with exercise or diet, and who is psychologically affected by this situation, can have butt reduction surgery to have a fit and youthful appearance. As with any aesthetic intervention, the person must be over the age of 18 for this procedure. Although there is no upper age limit, it is important that the patient meets the physical requirements for anesthesia and surgery. Buttock reduction surgery can be preferred by both men and women, regardless of gender, for body shaping.

Suitable candidates for buttock reduction surgery:

  • Those who are not satisfied with the sagging, wide, disproportionate or asymmetrical appearance of their buttocks
  • Those who cannot get rid of fat in this area with exercise or diet
  • Those who are psychologically affected
  • Those who want to have a fit and young appearance
  • 18 years of age or older
  • Those who meet the physical requirements for anesthesia and surgery

Is Butt Reduction a Permanent Procedure?

Although buttock reduction aesthetics depends on the person's living conditions, habits and weight, it is usually a permanent procedure. At this point, it is important for the person not to gain excess weight after the procedure, to keep fat levels under control and to maintain the learned eating habits as recommended.

BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift)

What is a Butt Lift (BBL)?

Butt lift is a surgical procedure performed to correct sagging and deformities that occur in the buttocks over time due to genetic or age-related reasons. This procedure involves lifting the buttocks through an incision in the lower back, removing excess fat tissue, if any, and tightening the sagging skin. Butt lift surgery provides a firmer, fuller and more aesthetic appearance to the buttocks. At the same time, it helps to achieve a more balanced and youthful appearance by improving the overall body contours of the person. This procedure is preferred to increase self-confidence and improve the overall appearance of the person.

Who is eligible for BBL?

BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) surgery is suitable for people who meet certain criteria:

  • People who are overweight and have fat deposits on their buttocks that cannot be eliminated by diet or exercise: BBL provides a more aesthetic appearance by targeting these stubborn fat deposits.
  • People who have lost a lot of weight and have maintained their weight for at least 6 months: Sagging and deformations in the buttocks after major weight loss can be corrected with this procedure.
  • People with normal weight who feel uncomfortable with sagging or deformations in the butt area: It is an ideal solution for those who are not satisfied with the shape of their buttocks and want a firmer, fuller appearance.
  • People who are not satisfied with the appearance of their buttocks due to sagging skin caused by aging: A younger appearance can be achieved by correcting sagging skin that occurs with age.
  • The prerequisite is that the patient must be over 18 years of age and have completed their physical development: There is no upper age limit for this procedure and gender is not important. It is suitable for both men and women.

Men may also want a more attractive and clearer figure. Therefore, for men with problems such as sagging skin and loss of elasticity, butt lift is a simple procedure to achieve the desired appearance.

Butt lift is an operation that is usually performed in combination with buttock reduction, thus achieving a more balanced and aesthetic result in the butt area.

Does Butt Lift Provide Lasting Results?

As with all these procedures, the result in terms of durability depends on eating habits, skin texture and following the doctor's instructions after the procedure. In the conditions mentioned, the butt lift is permanent.

How Long Does the Recovery Process Take After Butt Aesthetics?

The recovery process after a butt lift requires careful care and adherence to certain instructions. Here are the things the patient should do after the procedure:

  • Sleep face down for at least 4 days: It is important to sleep on your stomach during this time to protect the surgical site and speed up healing.
  • Wear the corset recommended by the doctor for at least one month: The corset reduces swelling in the area and supports the healing process.
  • Not showering for the first two days: Showering should be avoided for the first two days to reduce the risk of infection and protect the surgical site.
  • Resting for the first week: Adequate rest during the first week is very important. If possible, the patient should return to work after a week of rest.
  • Knowing that swelling and bruising are normal: Depending on the skin texture and sensitivity, swelling and bruising may occur, which will usually subside within two weeks.

By paying attention to these steps, it is possible to speed up the healing process and achieve the best result. Following all the doctor's recommendations minimizes postoperative complications and makes the healing process more comfortable.

Butt Lift (BBL) Prices in Turkey

Turkey has become a popular destination for buttock aesthetics (BBL) around the world. Behind this popularity are experienced and skilled surgeons, modern medical facilities and affordable prices. Buttock aesthetic prices may vary depending on various factors. These factors include the experience of the surgeon, the location and quality of the hospital or clinic where the surgery is performed, the techniques used and the individual needs of the patient. In addition, postoperative care and additional services can also affect the total cost. In general, buttock aesthetic surgeries in Turkey are more affordable compared to Western countries and offer quality and reliable healthcare services. For this reason, many people from abroad prefer to have their plastic surgery procedures performed in Turkey.

Frequently Asked Questions

The BBL procedure usually takes between 1.5 and 3 hours. This time may vary depending on the extent of the procedure and the surgeon's techniques.

The most common side effects after BBL include swelling, bruising, pain and tenderness. These side effects are usually temporary and subside within a few weeks.

Yes, the BBL procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia or sedation. This is important to increase the patient's comfort during the procedure.

It is generally recommended to avoid intense exercise for 6-8 weeks after the BBL procedure. However, low-impact activities, such as light walks, can start earlier with the doctor's advice.

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