Wavefront Lasik | First Class Esthetic


Excimer Laser Nedir ve Nasıl Çalışır?

Wavefront Lasik

Wavefront Lasik, popularly known as ” eagle eye ”, is a laser that allows to create perfection in clear and sharp vision by adapting the telescopic technique used by NASA to clarify the image in space research, not only treating eye defects but also maximizing the quality of vision. is the method of treatment. In addition, it is a technology that measures the curvature of all the rays in the optical system of the eye. And another detail that should not be ignored is; It is the MOST DEVELOPED VERSION of excimer laser technique.

In order to explain the Wavefront Lasik method completely and accurately, it would be appropriate to make a short definition of Wavefront right here. As light travels through space, a beam of light contains many light beams. When these light beams come to a problem-free eye, they are refracted in a 3-dimensional structure and in a cone shape and focus on a point in the retina. Reflected rays from the retina; It creates images parallel to each other, equidistant and clear. All of these images are called “Wavefront”. When these situations do not occur in the person, various eye defects such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism occur.

In these eye defects, a personalized eye map is prepared rather than glasses values and laser treatment is applied under the guidance of this map. At this point, it will be useful to specify the following detail; Wavefront maps are personal like fingerprints. This treatment method gives the clearest and perfect results in intensive intraocular aberrations, i.e. optic irregularities in the eye and irregular astigmatism. In addition, it offers better quality and better vision in patients with corneal irregularities and low vision due to laziness.

! Depending on this topic, we recommend you to read our article titled “WHY ILASIK?”

Wavefront Lasik laser treatment, which is among the most reliable medical treatments in the world, is an effective method that takes 10 minutes, and it is short, painless, and allows the person to return to their normal life immediately after the operation. The conditions that are necessary for the application in the first place are, being over the age of 18 and the eye degree must haven’t changed more than 0.50 degrees in the last 1 year.

There are many alternative treatment methods in the treatment of eye defects. We are at your side to maximize your quality of life and vision by deciding which method will be better for you after the necessary tests and controls by our expert team.

Remember; Our priority is your health and happiness…

For detailed information, you can contact us by clicking the link and you can look at the future with perfect eyes.

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