Trifocal lenses offer a definitive solution to vision problems that occur with age, such as myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism. This method makes it possible to see both distance and near without any restrictions (unlike e.g. bifocal lenses with 40cm - 2 meters). Unlike other lenses before it, trifocal lenses have solved problems such as recognizing distances while watching TV, using a computer or reading a book.
Another feature of this lens is its ability to protect the eye from the sun's harmful rays and also from age-related diseases.
One of the biggest advantages is that there is no need for glasses or contact lenses.
When using this method, there are 3 important prerequisites for the success of the procedure
The femtosecond laser creates cuts of the desired shape, depth and width in the tissue. The safety of the operation is maximized and fantastic results are achieved with top performance.
The eye is first cleaned with some medicines and liquids and then anesthetized so that the patient does not feel any pain during the operation. As described above, normal cataract surgery is performed, replacing the damaged lens with an artificial one.
The operation takes only 5 - 10 minutes. After the procedure, the patient can immediately return to their usual everyday life. The lenses used remain in the eye for life.
If you too would like to look to the future without worries, please contact us with just one.
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